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Montag, 14. November 2011

Registration continues the Knight the first player to enter a new service
Von gameabd, 09:58

Registration continues, Knight one of the first players to enter a new service

Yu May 20 launched of new serverKnight Noah test activities has official began, and early of registration work also in continues to, from May 8 began to now, we has gradually received do million copies players of registration table single, from reported list Shang see, some players yiqian had participation test had other network game, on test work quite has experience and confidence; some players had to Knight Online under submitted had is has significance of game views and the problem, guarantee own has full of patience to for test ; Some players even attached to the Knight Online evaluation of the current status and future development tendency and see. Knight GoldMost of the players participating in the registration levels are quite high, they not only practice a profession in the game, a lot of people have been repeatedly trying different occupations, summarized different targeted experience. Although these are the application forms, these players are still officially entered the new test server, but they put forward your views and experience we will take seriously. Registration form currently also on the rise, we have first obtained permission to Knight Online Noahenter a new service in the confirmation letter to the player's email address. Also did not receive a confirmation letter from the players not to lose heart, we will continue to approve more of the players involved in testing activities. And who wish to participate but not registration of playersknight online gold also have the opportunity to submit the registration form, registration details, please see

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