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Samstag, 05. November 2011

points garbage got tired failed Maplestory
Von gameabd, 02:59

Method II: prepared garbage 60% got tired Maplestory Mesosand equipment for bedding, first pad a Zhang 100% of, to success chances paved the, then points 60% garbage got tired, success on off the, on-line then points 100% bedding, then continues to points 60% garbage got tired, points garbage got tired failed words, points 2-3 Zhang garbage got tired, then then points need points of got tired to equipment Shang, such success rate very of large (course points does not points are can), if failed on continues to points 60% of, at this time if does not off the also continues to points words, 60%Buy MapleStory Mesos Success rate is quite large, of course, if insurance, referrals, and then follow the steps just continue.
Third, the 10%:
10% is called and a love-hate relationship, high added value can make to maximize the effectiveness of equipment, but the success rates call 10% often disappointed! Well now, no matter what we have to 10%!
Method one: to 10% whole bodyCheap MapleStory Mesos armor-sensitive (5-1 speed sensitivity-3 hits) as an example Warrior 80 black and silver. Prepare 10 of systemic sensitivity, 150 pieces of junk got tired recommended hands-blunt axe with both hands-gloves-sensitive-cloak of magic-divided skirt--t-shirt-proof anti-(cheap 15.25 million) waste equipment and need some. First again on-line or shop a Zhang 100%, then began to garbage equipment Shang points garbage got tired, requirements as far as possible not only to a a equipment Shang points, best can points 2 Xia coat, then points 2 Xia divided skirt,, Buy Mesospoints to 9th times failed Hou to black silver Shang hit systemic sensitive, success chances 70% above, if systemic sensitive failed of words will again on-line, if unwilling heart words then then hit a Zhang systemic sensitive, if also failed of words must off the has. Follow the steps above, 9 garbage got tired as long as a piece of junk got tired halfway would have to be off the start again. Cheap MesosSo minimum of 150 garbage grown weary.

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