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Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

industry holds enormous silkroad
Von gameabd, 04:25

Recommended reason: this is caused by asilkroad gold network game tangled. The SilkRoad operating rights from Kowloon City to NetEase, has always been the focus of the online gaming industry. Recently, circulating an article in the online world known as the Lich King wrath continent if the on-line Taiwan operator monthly losses of billions of articles, although the data caused by the parties in question, but we can at least AB UNO disce omnes: the online gaming industry holds enormous economicsro gold interests.

Millions of gamers waiting at home, the relevant departments of the Lich King wrath of approval also was more than a year, and even had a dispute because of the game. Individual departments have their duty point reviews of different leading the argument, our game reviews is necessary establish a scientific, rigorous review standards, improve examinationsilkroad online goldefficiency? Management is to regulate the market, but the Administration itself, too should have a specification.

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