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    aion kinah

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Sonntag, 09. Oktober 2011

Aion zone update SNDC
Von gameabd, 08:42

Since shouted "do not eliminate Aion Kina,hangs, not open 2" after the number, of the Aion gaming environment of purification of recently fired the first shot, December 1, served throughout the region of the Aion SNDC checking is enabled, and declared that plug-in will be used to modify files, such as permanent violations roles stopping severe penalties. The Aion2.0 the second closed beta opening soon, 2 version will integrate many kinds of games, including the SNDC purification system, will be an enormous, Aion Kina,earth-shaking version updates, and most important thing in this version, that is, hack, modify client files, such as preventing and combating serious undermining game fairness. Second closed beta that is concentration detection of purification system for these games, officials also opened a "reported hack award-winning" activities, encourage players to participate in helping the Aion2.0 second closed beta anti-plug-in development.

4G 2, players will install Aion Gold,disk space reserved space.

3, silent download this patch is not available for the second closed beta on December 6, participate in the second closed beta players please download the closed beta of private clients.
Aion: March Dragon territories under is about to in on December 6 opened II times seal measuring, this seal measuring apart from new game content of test zhiwai, most important of also has on Aion under latest anti-plug-in technology of concentrated sexual test, project group to own set has "does not eradication plug-in, does not open 2" of hard, Aion Kinah,guarantee in 2 official open Shi for players brings a pure no hanging of Aion under new world, At that time by game update is silent save the download Pack of players is automatically upgraded to new version 2 client together to usher in a whole new world. World masterpieces the Aion latest sequel--the Aion: enter the Dragon, December 6, opening preflight closed beta, invites all players to test the latest anti-hack, players involved in the test report will be a part of the Aion Prize-winning activity. The new world, new services, will usher in a new era of the Aion.

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